Are you looking for fun kids lunch ideas?
Have you got a fussy eater?
Do you want to make your kid’s meals more fun?
Or looking for a great low cost gift for a young family?
Then MamaPukeko’s Munch Time Fun Time book is for you! Fantastically fun kids lunch ideas.
With step by step instructions & pictures, you too can create fun, healthy lunches for your little munch-kins.
Only $15!
I’m so excited to bring you this book of kids lunch ideas! A perfect little inspiration full of fun kids lunch ideas.
It all started one day, when inspired by my husband’s parents’ monster face dinners they used to make for him as a kid, I made my daughter a sun for her lunch.
Simply, a circle of cheese with a smiley face and rays of cheese with kiwifruit. She was so excited and gobbled the whole thing up with a huge
smile on her face. The next day I attempted a butterfly (second lunch shown), which I posted on Facebook. The response from my daughter and my friends was so positive my following thought was; “What can I make next?” and so it grew from there.
Each lunch has been greeted with squeals of excitement and devoured in a matter of minutes. There is no waste as either I or my 1 year old eat the cut-offs and I only ever use what I have available in the pantry… You can do it too!
I’ve included simple steps to help you re-create each lunch and have provided a list of suitable substitutes in-case you don’t have what I used. They are also graded for difficulty. All you need is what is in your fridge and pantry, a good knife, maybe some cookie cutters and a little bit of creativity. The limit is your imagination! If you need help… ask your kids! I will often ask: “What shall we make for lunch today” and usually get an inspiring, sometimes challenging response: “Um… A Pony!” which I am yet to attempt!
So Click the Buy now button below & you can start making Munch Time Fun Time!